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2012 Canadian Student Health Research Forum (CSHRF)

The 2012 Canadian Student Health Research Forum (CSHRF) will be held June 12-14, 2012 in Winnipeg. The aim of the CSHRF is to provide a venue for the networking, research exposure and recognition of Canada’s most promising research trainees in the health sciences.  While the primary component is the judged research poster exhibition (with associated, nationally recognized CIHR awards of excellence), other value-added elements include tours of unique research facilities such as Health Canada’s National Virology Laboratory, student-led social events such as a tour of the NRC’s Institute for BioDiagnostics, dinner at the Lower Fort Garry National Historic Site, a CIHR information session with the CIHR Director of Research Capacity Development and cross-disciplinary symposia on hot topics with internationally-recognized speakers.  This year’s symposium will be on “Inflammation and Health.”  This is a unique opportunity to advance the careers of your top students and to showcase their excellence.

Universities have been invited on nominate their top PhD students in health sciences for participation in the forum.  A limited number of invited participants will also receive travel award funding from CIHR, though the amount of funding and number of students to be funded by CIHR has not yet been determined.

The Faculty of Graduate Studies will collect nominations on behalf of UBC, to forward to the CSHRF Coordinator. Graduate programs are invited to nominate their top PhD students in health sciences to the Faculty of Graduate Studies. Graduate programs may nominate up to 5% of their PhD students in health sciences (for instance, if a program has 40 PhD students in health sciences, it could submit up to 2 nominees). Appropriate selection criteria are to be determined by the graduate programs. Please note that the symposium theme rotates from year to year and should not bias student selection.

Graduate programs are asked to submit the following by e-mail to graduate.awards@ubc.ca by Friday, March 9, 2012:

1. completed nomination form http://www.grad.ubc.ca/sites/default/files/awards/awards_CSHRF_Nomination_Form.doc
2. one-page abstract for each nominee (abstract guidelines available at:  http://www.umanitoba.ca/medicine/research_days/faqs2.html#abstractguidelines)

Further information is available at:
• Grad Studies website – http://www.grad.ubc.ca/awards/canadian-student-health-research-forum-cshrf-travel-award
• the CSHRF website – http://www.umanitoba.ca/medicine/research_days/

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