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UBC Graduate Student International Research Mobility Award

URL: http://www.research.ubc.ca/gradfundingubc.aspx
February 1, 2011 – for travel May 1st or later
June 1, 2011
October 1, 2011

The Office of the Vice President Research & International is pleased to announce an upcoming Request For Proposals for the UBC Graduate Student International Research Mobility Award. This program was established to build and enhance research collaborations between UBC and research-intensive universities, research institutes or related organizations in areas of mutual excellence. Since the program began in April 2009, 60 graduate students have received the award (58 PhD, 2 Master’s). See website for full list of awardees.

In partnership with the Faculty of Graduate Studies and UBC’s Go Global program, we invite applications from UBC graduate students who wish to participate in a research abroad opportunity at a leading institution outside the US and Canada. Priority is given to PhD students.

Value: $1500 stipend (+ Go Global fee, for students attending partner institutions). UBC students can also use the $400 FOGS Travel Fund towards an approved research abroad program.

Upcoming Deadline: February 1st deadline for travel May 1st or later.

NOTE: Students who are applying to do their research abroad program at a partner institution are required to also apply to the Go Global program (see below).

More information: For full program and application details, please review the award guidelines and the FAQ posted on the web (http://www.research.ubc.ca/gradfundingubc.aspx). For any additional questions, please contact Jacqueline Smit at jacqueline.smit@ubc.ca or 604.822.8136.

Other funding sources for research mobility are also posted at our website – advance planning is required for most external grants.

Go Global
URL: http://www.students.ubc.ca/global/index.cfm
Upcoming Deadlines:
December 9, 2010 (US and UK Leuven)
Jan 18, 2011  (Asia, Africa, Australia, NZ)
Jan 18, 2011 (Europe, Canada, Latin America)

Go Global, through its network of over 150 partner universities, offers graduate opportunities to study or research abroad, including short-term research programs. Go Global also administers over $1.4M in international learning awards available to UBC Master’s and PhD students on research abroad placement at a  partner institution.

Why should you participate?
–          Advancement of your Master’s or PhD research and thesis completion – skills, expertise, &  equipment

–          To become globally aware, to grow and develop as a person, and to gain cross-cultural understanding.

–          To connect meaningfully with the people in your host country; experience life abroad as a student, not just as a tourist.

–          To connect with colleagues engaged in parallel research and extend your network.

For more information, please visit Go Global – http://www.students.ubc.ca/global/index.cfm

Research Abroad: Benefits

Final Survey Results (Students who received a VPRI Mobility Award and completed a research abroad program as of June 2010)
–          95% of students felt that their research abroad program very significantly or significantly enhanced or enriched their dissertation.
–          90% of students expected to produce a publication or make a conference presentation as a direct result of their research abroad program.
–          76% of students were very satisfied and 19% were satisfied with their research abroad program overall.

Student Testimonials

“I felt that the research abroad activities contributed to a productive and enriching experience, which will be very useful to my dissertation research and my research program as a whole….I was able to work with experts in [my field] and was able to learn skills in techniques that I hope to apply to my dissertation work.”
“My research supervisor was outstanding. He provided a lot of specialized knowledge that I couldn’t have gained anywhere else… I received all the required training and left completely satisfied with the outcome. I am confident I’ll publish an excellent paper in a good journal as a result of this research experience.”
“I have been able to complete my dissertation fieldwork… The program gave me an opportunity to work in some of the best libraries in the country and interact with some of the top scholars and politicians.”
“The program provided a rewarding experience for me. Settling in the new city and finding my way around in the new cultural setting was a challenge at first. However, overall this experience was great and I think it will boost my academic career a great deal. This is not only because I was able to gain first-hand knowledge of the events I am studying but also because of the eye-opening experience of interacting with non-western scholars and hearing their perspectives on things we take for granted.”
“The most rewarding aspect of the research visit was to share and discuss my PhD research and directions with a large number of researchers with a wide array of backgrounds. Formal presentations and discussions led to a number of ideas that will improve the quality of my dissertation.”
1 Students who received a VPRI Mobility Award and completed a research abroad program as of June 2010.

Jacqueline Smit
Senior Officer, International Research Initiatives
Office of the Vice President Research & International
University of British Columbia

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