Presenting Your Research
Wednesday, Nov. 17th, 2010-11-10
9:00 – 4:00 pm
Facilitator: Dene Rossouw
Free Admission
The GPS Program is pleased to collaborate with MITACS in offering this workshop to assist graduate students who want to improve their presentation skills. In this one-day workshop, theory is introduced in short bursts, and participants spend the majority of time practising their presentation skills and receiving onsite feedback. The focus on extensive practice and feedback is what makes the program meaningful, and is what makes the learning stick.
The facilitator, Dene Rossouw points out : “The simple truth is that people who present well in front of groups are far more likely to succeed at captivating, persuading and inspiring others, and are generally perceived as better leaders. In summary, one’s ability to present will help determine success .
Who will benefit most from this session? Graduate students who have identified a need to improve their ability to make presentations, especially to lay audiences who are not familiar with their research. Come ready to practise presenting in front of a supportive group who will offer feedback.
Dene specializes in improving leadership and employee engagement through effective communication and sense-making. As an innovative communicator, Dene coaches leaders on how to have more relevant conversations in the workplace and how to use personal power to inspire action and develop strategic partnerships. Dene has 17 years of facilitation and consulting experience in the communications field. He is the Communications Chair for the Canadian Association of Professional Speakers, a certified emotional intelligence facilitator using the BarOn Emotional Intelligence Quotient Inventory – EQ-i™. Dene also has an Associate Certificate in Workplace Conflict from the Justice Institute of British Columbia.”
Note: Seats are limited to 25 participants. Applicants from all BC post-secondary institutions will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.
Registration: No charge for admission, but advance registration is required at:
Confirmation of registration status will be sent by e-mail within 3 working days. Questions:
UBC Faculty of Graduate Studies appreciates the support of the MITACS STEP program
and the UBC Graduate Student Society.