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GPS: Present Your Research

. In this one-day workshop, theory is introduced in short bursts, and participants spend the majority of time practising their presentation skills and receiving onsite feedback. The focus on extensive practice and feedback is what makes the program meaningful, and is what makes the learning stick.

GPS/Office of Research Ethics Workshop

This workshop, which is jointly offered by GPS and the Office of Research Ethics (ORE), is designed to introduce graduate students to ethical issues surrounding research involving human participants, relevant to the UBC Behavioural Research Ethics Board. It includes an overview of key principles, policies and controversies in research ethics. A step-by-step guide to the application form and process will also be provided and breakout sessions will give participants the opportunity to consider ethical issues arising in their own research projects and how to address these issues in their application for behavioural research ethics review and in the conduct of their research. A separate workshop for research relevant to the UBC Clinical Research Ethics Board will be offered at a later date.

The LSI grad school experience

The College for Interdisciplinary Studies (CFIS) recently showcased a couple LSI graduate students in the Cell & Developmental Biology program on their graduate school experiences. Check out what they say at: http://www.cell.ubc.ca/home_page.html

GPS: Leaders' Dialogue Series: On Making a Difference for Good

Please join us for the second of a series of informal dialogues over pizza where we explore the hearts and minds of leaders in our midst who are making a difference for good in the world. How do they define ‘good’ or ‘success’? What are the important issues of our time, and how can they be addressed? What motivates them? What have they learned about leadership?

GPS: The Whys and Wherefores of Statistics

Pursuing quantitative research and wondering about how to analyze the data? Not sure about how to present statistics in your papers? Developing a passion for Math and Statistics? Bring your lunch and take part in the dialogue about Statistics, led by Dr. Petkau. He will explain what services are available to students who need help with Statistics, and will respond to questions.

GPS: Introduction to Time Management

This introductory session is designed for graduate students who know very little about Project Management but are curious about how they would use it in their present work, or in the future.

GPS: Time Management

This seminar will discuss strategies for staying on top of tasks and planning your days. Find out how to assess your use of time, discover how to set priorities and learn to use the five steps of time management. And in addition to helping you to make the most of your hours of study and work, the session will provide ideas for using down-time to achieve wellness and balance, which is key to your success as a graduate student.

Graduate Studies – Student Financial Assistance

Faculty of Graduate Studies will be hosting an advisor from Student Financial Assistance and Awards office, who will be available to provide confidential one-on-one financial advising for graduate students at the Grad Studies office on Wednesday afternoons.

GPS: Formatting and Submitting Your Thesis

This session will assist those who are working on their thesis drafts and would like to review the UBC formatting and submission requirements.

GPS: “So! It's Time to Publish a Paper!”

Facilitator:  Dr. Iain Taylor Six 90-minute Sessions, Wednesdays, 12:00 – 1:30 pm Sept. 22, Sept. 29, Oct. 13, Oct. 20, Nov. 3, Nov. 10, 2010 Graduate Student Centre, Crescent Road, Point Grey Campus Fee: $25 (Refundable Upon Completion) The 50th Workshop for those who have a paper to publish, need a catalyst to actually finish […]

a place of mind, The University of British Columbia

LSI Graduate Students
2350 Health Sciences Mall,
Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z3, Canada

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