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GPS: “So! It's Time to Publish a Paper!”

Facilitator:  Dr. Iain Taylor

Six 90-minute Sessions, Wednesdays, 12:00 – 1:30 pm

Sept. 22, Sept. 29, Oct. 13, Oct. 20, Nov. 3, Nov. 10, 2010

Graduate Student Centre, Crescent Road, Point Grey Campus

Fee: $25 (Refundable Upon Completion)

The 50th Workshop for those who have a paper to publish, need a catalyst to actually finish it and want information on the processes of journal publication. The facilitator, Dr. Iain Taylor, is well-known for his expertise in publishing, and has offered this course forty-nine times before!  He is Professor Emeritus and retains close connections with the Botany Department and the Botanical Gardens. He is a Former Assistant Editor-in-chief, NRC of Canada Research Journals.

Note: This workshop series is designed for graduate students who are finalizing a paper to submit to a journal in the next few months, not for those who are in the conceptual stage or needing advice on early drafts.  GPS will offer other workshops for those in the early writing stages.  Accepted students must commit to attending all six sessions, submitting a series of drafts, and working with other students for peer review.

Session Overview:

1.      Sep. 22         Organization Meeting: Introduction; Issues in Publishing; Abstract review.

2.      Sep. 29         Presenting the core idea.

3.      Oct. 13         Feedback on first draft of Abstract.  Discussion of elements of the article.

4.      Oct. 20         The tasks and obligations of the peer reviewer.

5.      Nov. 3         Evaluation of the practice peer-reviews.

6.      Nov. 10         Open the package from the Editor!  Reactions to reviews.  Questions and Wrap up.

Registration Process:

  • Submit a Planning Abstract as an email Word attachment before the deadline of Thursday, Sept. 16. The Planning Abstract should be 200 – 250 words  and include:

o    A Title

o    The name of your chosen Journal, or several journals you are considering for submission

o    One or two sentences on your discovery or findings

o    One or two sentences on your methods

o    Your conclusions

Subject:  Publishing Workshop Series

Body of the email:

1. First Name

2. Last Name

3. Student #

4. UBC Faculty (e.g., Medicine)

5. Name of Program or Department (e.g., Health Administration)

6. Degree Sought (specify Ph.D., M.Sc., M.A., etc.)

7. Primary Telephone Number

8. e-mail Address (preferably UBC mail)

  • Dr. Taylor will review the Abstracts and the first 35 who show evidence of readiness to publish will be accepted.  You will be notified by Friday, Sept. 17.  You will be sent feedback on your Planning Abstract, with guidelines for revision in time for the first workshop meeting on Wed. Sept. 22. You will also be sent a detailed overview of the tasks required for each of the six sessions, so that you can confirm that you are able to commit to the entire course.
  • You will also be given instructions for paying the fee of $25 before Sep. 22. The fee is not refundable after the first session begins, unless the entire course is completed.  The fee will be refunded to those who finish.

The Faculty of Graduate Studies recognizes the support of

the Graduate Student Society for this workshop.

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